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IntyGritty Moneytree Pvt Ltd

Our Organisation is a risk specialist and distributor of all kinds of Financial Products. First of its kind in North-East, led by able professionals and advisors. We want to bring in the culture of organized financial products distribution in this part of the country, so that people get the unbiased help they need from their personal financial distributor.

IntyGritty Financial Solution derives its name from two important core beliefs while dealing with its clients– “Integrity” & “In-nitty-gritty” 

The word "Integrity" stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. We believe in complete honesty, professionalism and transparency in dealing with our clients and our approach provides the wholeness to the entire exercise. 

“In-nitty-gritty” refers to the heart of the matter; the basic essentials; the harsh realities. While dealing with our customers we look at every detail to ensure that our clients benefit first.

AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

Our Belief & Goal

Finance, at its best, does not merely manage risk, but also acts as the steward of society’s assets and an advocate of its deepest goals. Beyond compensation, the next generation of finance professionals will be paid its truest rewards in the satisfaction that comes with the gains made in democratizing finance – extending its benefits into corners of society where they are most needed.This is a new challenge for a new generation, and will require all of the imagination and skill that you can bring to bear - Prof Robert Shiller